
The Workshop Speakers listed below will share their innovative technical contributions and applications throughout the conference, addressing some of the most complex technologies in the photonics field.

Coherent Optics in the Data Center

Chris Doerr, Acacia, USA
Radha Nagarajan, Inphi, USA
Clint Schow, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

The Future of VCSELs, 100G and Beyond?

Frank Flens, II-VI, USA
Henning Lysdal, NVIDIA, Denmark
Anders Larsson, Chalmers University/Nvidia, Sweden

Optics and Networking for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Paolo Costa, Microsoft, USA
Manya Ghobadi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
Larry Dennison, NVIDIA, USA
Vladimir Stojanovic, Ayar Labs, Inc, USA